How to Create a Purchase Requisition in SAP

How to Navigate to Purchase Requisitions in S/4HANA

The T-code of creating a purchase requisition (PR) in SAP is ME51N.me51n

You can also follow the below path in SAP to create a Purchase Requisition:

Logistics >>> Material Management >>> Purchasing >>> Purchase Requisition >>> CreateCreate a PR SAP S4 HANNA


You may select the document type of purchase requisition from the drop-down menu of the document type.

Purcahse requisition Document Type


Create a Purchase Requisition in SAP - Step by Step

Step 1: Select the document type.

Document Type Selected


Step 2: Enter the material code.

Material Code


You can search for the material by clicking on the search icon

Material Code Search Icon


The below window will then open.

Material Number Window

Tip: You can search for the material in several ways: by description, BOM, material class, material group, etc.


You can also select the material category.

material category


Step 3: Now enter the required quantity in the quantity tab.

PR Enter Quantity


Step 4: Enter the required delivery date. You may enter the delivery date manually or select from the list by clicking on the search icon.

Purchase Requisition Delivery Date


Step 5: At this point, you, enter the plant and the purchasing group respectively. If you know the plant code, you can enter it here, or you may select it from the search menu.

PR Plant and Purchasing GroupPR Plant and Purchasing Group Search


Step 6: Press Enter. Make sure to verify the data before saving.

Step 7: Finally, save the PR by clicking on the save button or by holding "CTRL+S" on your keyboard.

save purchase requisition


A PR document number will be generated

PR Document Number

You may view the PR created by entering T-code ME52N.

If you need to edit or update a PR, use the T-code ME53N.


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